Design Smart Games with requirements, generate them with a Click, and revise them with a GUIs

  • Vincenza Cofini
    UnivAQ. U. of L'Aquila vicenza.cofini[at]
  • Fernando De La Prieta
    University of Salamanca
  • Tania Di Mascio
    DIEI, U. of l'Aquila
  • Rosella Gennari
    KRDB, Free U. of Bozen-Bolzano
  • Pierpaolo Vittorini
    UnivAQ. U. of L'Aquila


TERENCE is an FP7 ICT European project that is developing an adaptive learning system for supporting poor comprehenders and their educators. Its learning material are books of stories and games. The games are specialised into smart games, which stimulate inference-making for story comprehension, and relaxing games, which stimulate visual perception and not story comprehension. The paper focuses on smart games. It first describes the TERENCE system architecture, thus delves into the design of smart games starting from the requirements and their automated generation, by highlighting the role of the reasoning module therein. Finally, it outlines the manual revision of the generated smart games, and ends with short conclusions about the planned improvements on the automated generation process.
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Cofini, V., De La Prieta, F., Di Mascio, T., Gennari, R., & Vittorini, P. (2013). Design Smart Games with requirements, generate them with a Click, and revise them with a GUIs. ADCAIJ: Advances in Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence Journal, 1(3), 55–68.

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