Appointment Booking and Drug Inventory System in Healthcare Services Using Blockchain Technology
Abstract Blockchain technology has the potential to revolutionize the healthcare industry by improving data security, reducing administrative inefficiencies, and enabling the seamless sharing of medical information. In the healthcare sector, blockchain can be applied to a wide range of use cases, such as medical record-keeping, clinical trials, drug traceability, and telemedicine. By using a secure, decentralized system, healthcare organizations can ensure that sensitive patient data is kept confidential and can be easily accessed by authorized parties. Additionally, the use of smart contracts can contribute to reducing the risk of errors and saving time and resources. In the proposed work, a decentralized application integrates healthcare services with blockchain technology to ensure transparency and security and prevent tampering with electronic medical records. The three main functionalities implemented in this work are to provide a transparent appointment booking system where patients can view the real-time availability status of the doctors and book an appointment with the doctor of their choice, and to store and retrieve data in an efficient and secure manner. To maintain a transparent and tamper-resistant medical inventory to prevent the unauthorized sale of medicines and drugs and also verify the availability of the drug. This helps the patients get the drugs in the quickest manner possible. Compared to existing centralized storage techniques, the proposed decentralized storage technique provides higher data availability, the fastest response time, and immutable storage of existing data. Experimental results show that, compared to existing work, the proposed work provided better results in throughput and latency. The communication cost of the proposed technique is 7% lesser than the existing Telecare Medicine Information system.
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Ukanah, O.; Obimbo, C., 2020. Blockchain Application in Healthcare. 2020 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence (CSCI), Las Vegas, NV, USA. 1167–1172. 10.1109/CSCI51800.2020.00218
Wolfond, G., 2017. A blockchain ecosystem for digital identity: Improving service delivery in Canada’s Public and Private sectors. Technology Innovation Management Review, 7(10), 1–7. 10.22215/timreview/1112
Baysal, M. V.; Özcan-Top, Ö.; Betin-Can, A., 2023. Blockchain technology applications in the health domain: a multivocal literature review. J Super comput. 79(3), 3112–3156. 10.1007/s11227-022-04772-1
Cheng, X.; Chen, F.; Xie, D.; Sun, H.; Huang, C., 2020. Design of a secure medical data sharing scheme based on blockchain. J Med Syst, 44(2), 52, 1–11. 10.1007/s10916-019-1468-1
Feng, Q.; He, D.; Wang, H.; Zhou, L.; Choo, K.-K. R., 2019. Lightweight collaborative authentication with key protection for smart electronic health record system. IEEE Sens J, 20(4), 2181–2196. 10.1109/JSEN.2019.2949717
Hovorushchenko, T.; Moskalenko, A.; Osyadlyi, V., 2023. Methods of medical data management based on blockchain technologies. J Reliable Intell Environ, 9, 5–16. 10.1007/s40860-022-00178-1
Jayapriya, J., Jeyanthi, N., 2022. Scalable blockchain model using off-chain IPFS storage for healthcare data security and privacy. Journal of Parallel and distributed computing, 164, 152–167. 10.1016/j.jpdc.2022.03.009
Kapoor, D., 2018. An Overview on Pharmaceutical Supply Chain: A Next Step towards Good Manufacturing Practice. Drug Designing and Intellectual Properties International Journal, 1(2), 49–54. 10.32474/DDIPIJ.2018.01.000107
Kumar, R.; Tripathi, R., 2019. Traceability of counterfeit medicine supply chain through Blockchain. 2019 11th International Conference on Communication Systems & Networks (COMSNETS). Bengaluru, India, 568–570. 10.1109/COMSNETS.2019.8711418
Liu, J.; Zhang, Z.; Chen, X.; Kwak, K. S., 2013. Certificateless remote anonymous authentication schemes for wirelessbody area networks. IEEE Trans Parallel Distrib Syst., 25(2), 332–342. 10.1109/TPDS.2013.145
Niveditha, V. R.; Sekaran, K.; Amandeep Singh, K.; Panda, S. K., 2021. Effective prediction of bitcoin price using wolf search algorithm and bidirectional LSTM on internet of things data. Int. J. Syst. Syst. Eng, 11(3-4), 224–236. 10.1504/IJSSE.2021.121473
Renuka, K., Kumari, S.; Li, X, 2019. Design of a Secure Three-Factor Authentication Scheme for Smart Healthcare. J Med Syst, 43, 133. 10.1007/s10916-019-1251-3
Roman-Belmonte, J. M.; De la Corte-Rodriguez, H.; Rodriguez-Merchan, E. C., 2023, Applications of Blockchain Technology in the COVID-19 Era. In S. Stawicki (ed.), Blockchain in Healthcare. Integrated Science (vol. 10, pp. 53–67). Springer. 10.1007/978-3-031-14591-9_5
Saidi, H.; Labraoui, N.; Ari, A. A. A.; Maglaras, L. A.; Emati, J. H. M., 2022. DSMAC: Privacy-Aware Decentralized Self-Management of Data Access Control Based on Blockchain for Health Data. IEEE Access, 10, 101011–101028. 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3207803
Shamshad, S., Minahil; Mahmood, K., Kumari, S.; Chen, C. M., 2020. A secure blockchain-based e-health records storage and sharing scheme. Journal of Information Security and Applications, 55, 102590. 10.1016/j.jisa.2020.102590
Sharma, P.; Namasudra, S.; Crespo, R. G.; Parra-Fuente, J.; Trivedi, M. C., 2023. EHDHE: Enhancing security of healthcare documents in IoT-enabled digital healthcare ecosystems using blockchain. Information Sciences, 629, 703–718. 10.1016/j.ins.2023.01.148
Shrikant, G. P., 2019. Traceability and detection of counterfeit medicine supply chain through Blockchain, J Gujarat Res Soc., 21(8), 143–149. 10.1109/COMSNETS.2019.8711418
Sumathi, M.; Vijayaraj, N.; Raja, S. P.; Rajkamal, M., 2022. Internet of thing based confidential healthcare data storage, access control and monitoring using blockchain technique. Computing and Informatics, 41, 1001–1033. 10.31577/cai_2022_5_1207
Surameery, N., & Shakor, M. (2023). Blockchain as a foundation to support healthcare systems. International Journal of Nonlinear Analysis and Applications, 14(1), 2183–2191. 10.22075/ijnaa.2022.7186
Tang, X.; Guo, C.; Kim-Kwang, R. C.; Liu, Y.; Li, L., 2021. A secure and trustworthy medical record sharing scheme based on searchable encryption and blockchain. Computer Networks, 200, 108540. 10.1016/j.comnet.2021.108540
Tidke, S. K.; Khedkar, V.; Banerjee, A.; Mulik, A.; Goyal, A.; Chhabaria, Y., 2022. An interactive and secure Blockchain web portal for online healthcare services. 2022 International Conference on Decision Aid Sciences and Applications (DASA), Chiangrai, Thailand, 454–459. 10.1109/DASA54658.2022.9764973
Ukanah, O.; Obimbo, C., 2020. Blockchain Application in Healthcare. 2020 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence (CSCI), Las Vegas, NV, USA. 1167–1172. 10.1109/CSCI51800.2020.00218
Wolfond, G., 2017. A blockchain ecosystem for digital identity: Improving service delivery in Canada’s Public and Private sectors. Technology Innovation Management Review, 7(10), 1–7. 10.22215/timreview/1112
Sumathi, M., Dhiraj, I., Mahita, D. S., & Raja, S. P. (2023). Appointment Booking and Drug Inventory System in Healthcare Services Using Blockchain Technology. ADCAIJ: Advances in Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence Journal, 12(1), e31607.
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