Programación de la Unidad de Música de la Guardia Real entre 1973 y 2010


Currently there are few bands, both civilian and military, but in return they have an excellent level of execution, of which the Music of the Royal Guard is a paradigm, that is why the program has been used to carry out this scientific study. The schedules of the Music of the Royal Guard, are an excellent example for other musical groups; which is why you can base programming knowledge on this extensive compilation.In its history, the Music of the Royal Guard, formerly of Alabarderos, has had more than fifteen directors who, over the years, have programmed countless concerts. In this study on the programming of this musical group, we have only covered the concerts programmed by three of the directors who were at the front in this unit between 1973 and 2010. These programs have been analyzed, according to their year of publication, the musical genre to which each piece belongs, the nature of the event, whether it was a military or civic-military concert, whether it had international or only national impact and in what city it took place, besides a brief synthesis of which were the most interpreted pieces in each period.During this time, a new generation of great directors those began with José López Calvo (1973-1988), followed by Francisco Grau Vegara (1988-2008) and Antonio Sendra Cebolla (2008-2010), and were able to successfully complete the development of the musical art, becoming the main protagonists of musical life in Madrid. Keeping the following traditions; relays of the Palace, ceremonial events, parades, concert cycles, tours and other activities that so much socio-cultural work developed. These directors have managed to raise to the place that deserves the music of the Royal Guard, adapting to the times and changing the repertoire of our symphonic band that was formerly based on orchestral transcriptions, going on to perform original compositions for the band, which gives sonorities sound planes much more successful. These composers-directors who have been at the head of the group, as we can see in the hand programs of the civic-military concerts that we have collected and analyzed, have combined the direction with the composition, premiering different works with this group. This music has always been a reference for all military directors who have wished to one day become director of this prestigious band and is also an image to be followed by civilian bands, because in the history of Spain has always been an extraordinary. 
  • Referencias
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Fernández, R. (1999). Historia de la Música Militar de España. Madrid: Ministerio de Defensa. Secretaría General Técnica.

Folch, E. (2009). La Unidad de Música de la Guardia Real, antigua de Alabarderos: Treinta y siete años de conciertos. (Máster en educación musical “una perspectiva multidisciplinar”) Universidad de Granada. Granada.
Martínez, E. M. F. (2018). Programación de la Unidad de Música de la Guardia Real entre 1973 y 2010. Popular Music Research Today: Revista Online De Divulgación Musicológica, 1(1), 69–87.


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