The Regietheater and Calixto Bieito on the Twentieth Anniversary of his Don Giovanni


Opera is a musical genre in which both the conductor and the stage director have to work together to create a final result that will vary from production to production. Although the conductor and the singers have a score that accurately reflects what they must interpret, the stage director enjoys greater freedom when performing his interpretation. That creative possibility that he has in his hands is what explains the existence of the term Regietheater (director’s theatre), which considers that his contribution is as important as the text and the music, although it can transform the original work, so the Werktreue or fidelity to the original work must be kept in mind. In this paper, we intend to analyze the balance between Regietheater and Werktreue in the production of Mozart’s opera Don Giovanni by Calixto Bieito in Barcelona twenty years ago. To do this, first of all, we will start from the origin and criticism of the Regietheater, as well as the Werktreue as an opposite concept. Next, we will comment on the main characteristics and criticisms of Bieito’s productions. Finally, we will address his version of Don Giovanni, commenting on the approach, the impact and the balance between respecting the libretto and adapting it to a later historical context
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