Musical Higher Education and Collective Instrumental Practices in Times of COVID-19

Challenges in Teaching-Learning Processes and New Proposals Based on Online Education


The main objective of this research is to study the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on higher music education. In this way, it analyses the teaching-learning processes and, specifically, the online education modality adopted in this field during this period. It also explores the implementation of new pedagogical perspectives motivated by this socio-sanitary context, with a specific interest in the approach to joint instrumental practices. The emergency and crisis situation caused by the coronavirus requires educational and social action that, in this case, is capable of assuming and responding to the obligation to generate an educational process that has an impact on quality joint instrumental practice in higher education music centres. To this end, we develop and propose a new methodological model which, while respecting the limitations raised by this context, takes into account the needs, concerns and individual characteristics of students taking this type of subject.
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