The Lyceum Women’s Club of Madrid in the United States: The Outreach Work of the Hispanist Shirley Mangini


The Lyceum Women’s Club is the first organized form of women association composed of women interested in culture in Spain. This was developed in Madrid between 1926 and 1939, with the purpose of defending the civil rights of women, promoting their cultural, educational and professional development. The Music Section, chaired by Ela Fernández Arbós and then by María Rodrigo, programmed multiple concerts, parties and conferences that contributed to the cultural development of the time. Since its foundation, the Lyceum of Madrid maintained a close relationship with other Spanish and foreign women cultural associations, maintaining a special link with the United States. In addition, a lot of exchange activities were planned with the aim of getting to know other cultures in Spain and to disseminate the work of the members of the Madrid Lyceum abroad. Due to the early disappearance of the club in 1939 there are very few works concerning this institution. It is curious that, despite the few works done by Spanish researchers, the American hispanist Shirley Mangini, a professor at California State University, has conducted one of the most in-depth investigations, recovering the work of these women and contributing to their dissemination in the United States. The main objective of this work is, therefore, to analyze the work of dissemination of the Lyceum Women’s Club of Madrid in the United States by the hispanist Shirley Mangini. The methodology is based on qualitative techniques of the historical method, mainly on the systematic collection of data; being the primary source all the research published by this author and the secondary source works concerning her and her investigations. It is a mainly documentary work based on a study of these previous investigations, whose purpose is to analyze and demonstrate the importance of Mangini’s research and dissemination work on the Lyceum of Madrid and to relate it to the few musicological studies that have been carried out in Spain on this subject.
  • Referencias
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6. Otras referencias

Internacional Association of Lyceum Clubs. Disponible en: [Última consulta: 10-04-2021].

Reglamento del Lyceum Club Femenino (1929). Recuperado de la Biblioteca Nacional de España [Última consulta: 10-04-2021].

Smith College. Libraries. Sorosis records. Disponible en: [Última consulta: 19-04-2021].

The International Lyceum Club of Philadelphia. Disponible en:[Última consulta consulta: 17-04-2021].
Martín Pérez, Y. (2021). The Lyceum Women’s Club of Madrid in the United States: The Outreach Work of the Hispanist Shirley Mangini. Popular Music Research Today: Revista Online De Divulgación Musicológica, 3(2), 69–81.


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