Analysis of the OST of «Akelarre»

influence of basque folklore in the Goya for the Best Original Music


The film Akelarre, produced in 2020 and directed by Pablo Agüero, has won five awards at the Goya 2021, one of them the Goya for best original music, among other important awards. This drama, set during the Inquisition’s witch-hunt in the Basque Country in the 17th century, features original music composed by Maite Arroitajauregui and Aránzazu Calleja. In this work a study of the interesting process of musical composition is carried out jointly by these two composers and an analysis of the Musical Soundtrack of the film, to focus, finally, on the influence of Basque culture and traditional music. The BSO of Akelarre includes music, mainly diegetic and performed by the protagonists, inspired by traditional Basque songs of the time, and includes the use of popular instruments of that context. Practically all the music in the film, both incidental and popular songs, are based on a main theme that is composed from a traditional song taken from a Basque songbook. In this research a musical and cultural analysis of all these elements is made, with a methodology based not only on a detailed study of the film and its BSO, but also in an interview with Maite Arroitajauregui, the composer who dedicated herself to creating the musical works of the film focused on Basque folklore.
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Martín Pérez, Y. (2021). Analysis of the OST of «Akelarre»: influence of basque folklore in the Goya for the Best Original Music. Popular Music Research Today: Revista Online De Divulgación Musicológica, 3(1), 5–20.


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