ISSN online: 2444-7080
Print ISSN: 0213-2087

Studia Historica. Historia Contemporánea (SHHC) publishes original research papers within the fields of Modern and Contemporary History, Historical Theory and Historiography. It is an open-access journal.

It was founded in 1983 by the Modern and Contemporary historians of the University of Salamanca. It publishes one issue per year, which includes a monographic dossier, varia papers and reviews. It uses a double-blind peer review system.

SHHC holds the quality award from the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) and can be found in the following databases: Periodicals Index Online, Ulrich's Web, Historical Abstracts, CARHUS Plus + 2018, ERIHPlus, ÍnDICEs CSIC, DOAJ, Dialnet, Dulcinea, MIAR and LATINDEX.

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Current Issue

Vol. 41 (2023): Terrorism in the Era of Globalization

Vol. 41 (2023): Terrorism in the Era of Globalization

Published: 2023-12-27



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