Youth and Adolescence in Plutarch’s Parallel Lives. Some Historiographical Notes
Abstract The present study pretends, from a preliminary analysis of the treatment of youth age in the Parallel Lives, to offer a first approach to the youth in Plutarch as a study object in its own right. For that, after highlighting the importance of this kind of studies, and after exposing some of the basic postulates which will guide this text, the main historiographical referents to the study of the first age-stages in the Greco-Roman antiquity will be analyzed. Then, we will approach the youth through the lens of the ancient authors, by which we will highlight the ambiguities and ambivalences attributed to this age-group –situated halfway between the intrinsic irrationality of the infancy and the prudence that is presupposed to the adult people–. Finally, and mainly by using some references selected for its special relevance inside the huge collection of anecdotes in the Parallel Lives, we will try to include the image of the youth given by Plutarch in his biographical writings inside this perspective, watching that, specificities apart, the way of thinking of our author coincides, in general features, with that of most of the writers of his time.
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Vuolanto, Ville: «Experience, Agency, and the Children in the Past. The Case of Roman Childhood», en Laes, Christian, y Vuolanto, Ville (eds.). Children and Everyday Life in the Roman and Late Antique World. London, 2017, pp. 11-24.
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Beneker, Jeffrey: The Passionate Statesman. Eros and Politics in Plutarch's Lives. Oxford, 2012.
Bloomer, Martin W. (ed.): A Companion to Ancient Education. Malden/Oxford/West Sussex, 2015, pp. 226-239.
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Carroll, Maureen: Infancy and Earliest Childhood in the Roman World. «A Fragment of Time». Oxford, 2018.
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Gallego Franco, Henar: «Género y agencia en la arquitectura cívica romana promovida por mujeres en el norte de África», en Martínez López, Cándida, y Ubric Rabaneda, Purificación (eds.). Cartografías de género en las ciudades antiguas. Granada, 2017, pp. 133-157.
García López, José: «Relaciones personales en Moralia de Plutarco: familia, amistad y amor», en Pérez Jiménez, Aurelio, y Del Cerro Calderón, Gonzalo. (eds.). Estudios sobre Plutarco: obra y tradición. Actas del I Symposion Español sobre Plutarco. Fuengirola. 1988. Málaga, 1990, pp. 105-122.
Golden, Mark: Childhood in Classical Athens. Baltimore, 1990.
Guerrero Contreras, Carmen: «La juventud romana en el "Pro Caelio" de Cicerón». Estudios Clásicos, 42, 118 (2000), 27-50.
Harlow, Mary y Laurence, Ray: Growing Up and Growing Old in Ancient Rome. A Life Course Approach. London, 2002.
Hubbard, Thomas (ed.): A Companion to Greek and Roman Sexualities. Malden/Oxford/Chichester, 2013.
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Kennell, Nigel M.: Ephebeia. A Register of Greek Cities with Citizen Training Systems in the Hellenistic and Roman Periods. Hildesheim, 2006.
Kleijwegt, Marc: Ancient Youth: The Ambiguity of Youth and the Absence of Adolescence in Greco-Roman Society. Amsterdam, 1991.
Laes, Christian, y Strubbe, Johan: Youth in the Roman Empire. The Young and the Restless Years?. Cambridge, 2014.
López Gregoris, Rosario: «La infancia en Roma», en Hernández Crespo, Rosa M. y Domínguez Monedero, Adolfo J. (eds.). Las edades del hombre. Las etapas de la vida entre griegos y romanos. Madrid, 2014, pp. 69-91.
Marrou, Henri: Histoire de l'éducation dans l'Antiquité. Paris, 1948 [hay trad. española, Historia de la educación en la antigüedad. Buenos Aires, 1970].
Mcdonnell, Myles: Roman Manliness. Virtus and the Roman Republic. Cambridge, 2006.
Mencacci, Francesca: «Modestia vs. Licentia. Séneca on Childhood and Status in the Roman Family», en Dasen, Véronique, y Späth, Thomas (eds.). Children, Memory, and Family Identity in Roman Culture. Oxford, 2010, pp. 223-244.
Méndez Santiago, Borja: «Vulnerabilidad infantil en las Vidas Paralelas de Plutarco», en rubiera cancelas, Carla (ed.), Edades vulnerables. Infancia y vejez en la antigüedad. Gijón, 2018, pp. 87-110.
Méndez Santiago, Borja: «Padres e hijos en las Vidas Paralelas de Plutarco», en Cid López, Rosa María (ed.). Familias, edades y género en el Mediterráneo antiguo. De la protohistoria a la historia. Madrid, en prensa.
Mustakallio, Katariina, y Hanska, Jussi: «Children in Pre-modern Europe. Agents and/or Objects?», en Mustakallio, Katariina, y Hanska, Jussi (eds.). Agents and Objects. Children in Pre-Modern Europe. Roma, 2015, pp- 7-10.
Néraudau, Jean-Pierre: La jeunesse dans la littérature et les institutions de la Rome républicaine. Paris, 1979.
Nikolaidis, Anastasios, G. (ed.). The Unity of Plutarch's Work: Moralia themes in the Lives, Features of the Lives in the Moralia. Berlin-New York, 2008.
Oliveira, Loraine: «O jovem Teseu: do reconhecimento paterno ao reconhecimento político», en Gómez Cardó, Pilar, Leão, Delfim F. y De Oliveira Silva, Maria Aparecida (coords.). Plutarco entre mundos: visões de Esparta, Atenas e Roma. Coimbra, 2014, pp. 31-48.
Pelling, Christopher: «Plutarch's Method of Work in the Roman Lives». Journal of Hellenic Studies, 99 (1979), 74-96.
Pelling, Christopher: «Synkrisis in Plutarch's Lives», en Brenk, Frederick, y Gallo, Italo (eds.). Miscellanea Plutarchea (Atti del I convegno di studi su Plutarco, Roma, 23 novembre 1985). Ferrara, 1986, pp. 83-96.
Pelling, Christopher: «Childhood and Personality in Greek Biography», en Pelling, Christopher. Plutarch and History: Eighteen Studies. Swansea, 2002, pp. 301-338.
Pleket, Henri W: «Licht uit Leuven over de Romeinse jeugd?». Lampas, 12 (1979), 183-192.
Rawson, Beryl: Children and Childhood in Roman Italy. Oxford, 2003.
Roskam, Geert: «Educating the Young… over Wine? Plutarch, Calvenus Taurus, and Favorinus as Convivial Teachers», en Ribeiro Ferreira, José, Leão, Delfim, Troster, Manuel y Barata Dias, Paula (eds.). Symposion and Philanthropia in Plutarch. Coimbra, 2009, pp. 369-383.
Russell, Donald A.: Plutarch. London, 2001 [1ª ed., 1972].
Saller, Richard P: «Pietas, Obligation, and Authority in the Roman Family», en Kneissl, Peter, y Losemann, Volker (eds.). Alte Geschichte und Wissenschaftsgeschichte: Festchrift für Karl Christ zum 65. Darmstadt, 1988, pp. 393-410.
Sciarrino, Enrica: «Schools, Teachers, and Patrons in Mid-Republican Rome», en Bloomer, Martin W. (ed.). A Companion to Ancient Education. Malden/Oxford/West Sussex, 2015, pp. 226-239.
Slusanski, Dan: «Le vocabulaire latin des gradus aetatum». Revue Roumaine de Linguistique, 19 (1974), 103-121.
Soares, Carmen: «Parent-Child Affection and Social Relationships in Plutarch: Common Elements in Consolation ad uxorem and Vitae», en Nikolaidis, Anastasios, G. (ed.). The Unity of Plutarch's Work: Moralia themes in the Lives, Features of the Lives in the Moralia. Berlin-New York, 2008, pp. 719-726.
Soares, Carmen: Crianças e jovens nas Vidas de Plutarco. Coimbra, 2011.
Späth, Thomas: «Cicero, Tullia, and Marcus: Gender-specific Concerns for Family Tradition?», en Dasen, Véronique, y Späth, Thomas (eds.). Children, Memory, and Family Identity in Roman Culture. Oxford, 2010, pp. 147-172.
Stone, Lawrence: The Family, Sex and Marriage in England 1500-1800. London, 1977 [hay trad. española, Familia, sexo y matrimonio en Inglaterra 1500-1800. México, 1979].
Teodorsson, Sven-Tage: «The Education of Rulers in Theory (Mor.) and Practice (Vitae)», en Nikolaidis, Anastasios, G. (ed.). The Unity of Plutarch's Work: Moralia themes in the Lives, Features of the Lives in the Moralia. Berlin-New York, 2008, pp. 339-350.
Treggiari, Susan: «The Education of the Ciceros», en Bloomer, Martin W. (ed.). A Companion to Ancient Education. Malden/Oxford/West Sussex, 2015, pp. 240-251.
Tsouvala, Georgia: «Love and Marriage», en Beck, Mark (ed.). A Companion to Plutarch. Malden/Oxford/Chichester, 2012, pp. 191-201.
Velázquez Fernández, Ana Esther: «Presencia y ausencia del educador en las Vidas de Plutarco», en Pérez Jiménez, Aurelio, y Casadesús Bordoy, Francesc (eds.). Estudios sobre Plutarco: misticismo y religiones mistéricas en la obra de Plutarco: actas del VII simposio español sobre Plutarco (Palma de Mallorca, 2-4 de noviembre de 2000). Madrid, 2001, pp. 441-450.
Vuolanto, Ville: «Experience, Agency, and the Children in the Past. The Case of Roman Childhood», en Laes, Christian, y Vuolanto, Ville (eds.). Children and Everyday Life in the Roman and Late Antique World. London, 2017, pp. 11-24.
Wiedemann, Thomas: Adults and Children in the Roman Empire. London, 1989.
Xenophontos, Sofía: «Plutarch», en Bloomer, Martin W. (ed.). A Companion to Ancient Education. Malden/Oxford/West Sussex, 2015, pp. 335-346.
Xenophontos, Sofía: Ethical Education in Plutarch. Moralising Agents and Contexts. Boston/Berlin, 2016.
Méndez Santiago, B. (2019). Youth and Adolescence in Plutarch’s Parallel Lives. Some Historiographical Notes. Studia Historica. Historia Antigua, 37, 95–130.
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