The Julio-Claudian Provincial Coinage Production in Africa Proconsularis


The aim of this paper is to analyze the divers financial aspects of the coinages issued by the severals African mints that were active in times of provincial minting. To achieve this objective, we present a study of the monetary production of these centers. In a first part, we have tried to relate the emission volumes by center and by time of manufacture and, in a second part, we have also taken into account the coinage volumes by monetary value. The detailed analysis and comparison of these data, in relation to the information corresponding to other phenomena of provincial monetary coinage, has allowed us, in a third part of the work, to propose an approximation about the possible financial intentions that the African provincial emissions had, without forgetting that these could also be due to other multiple functions not exclusively economic.
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Author Biography

Helena Gozalbes García

Universidad de Granada
Becaria de investigación en formacionDepartamento Historia AntiguaUniversidad de Granada