Iulia Maesa and Iulia Soaemias at the Court of Elagabalus: The Female Power of the Severan Domus


In this paper we intend to study the relationship between Emperor Heliogabalus and his grandmother Julia Maesa and his mother Julia Soemias. We will also address the role played by these empresses within the dynasty. The rise to power of a young emperor, Elagabalus, who was only 14 years old when he was proclaimed imperator by the troops stationed near Emesa, allowed these women to play a decisive role in the court. They were able to establish alliances, to meddle in the public sphere, and even one of them, Julia Soemias, managed to create a Senate, all according to classical sources. However, according to epigraphic and numismatic testimonies it seems that these women continued the previous tradition, since the titles and honors received were similar to those of their predecessors. For this reason, in this paper we plan to create a coherent discourse analysing the references of classical authors in the light of numismatic and epigraphic testimonies. 
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