Contributions in Spanish Scientific Journals of Ancient History (1970-2020): Analysis of Authorship according to Sex/Gender


This paper analyses the contributions published on Antiquity studies during the last half century in a selection of Spanish impact journals, taking into account the sex of the authorship, its proportion and its development over time. In addition, the possible existence of differences is addressed depending on whether the contributions are of one authorship or co-authorship, as well as the position of signature in the works of more than one person. Likewise, the topic of these investigations is taken into account, with which it is intended to determine whether authorships of one sex or another predominate in the different thematic areas. This study shows that the proportion of female authors is low and, furthermore, that a progressive increase in female authorship can not been observed in the last decades.
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Mateo Corredor, D., & Pastor Quiles, M. (2022). Contributions in Spanish Scientific Journals of Ancient History (1970-2020): Analysis of Authorship according to Sex/Gender. Studia Historica. Historia Antigua, 40, 361–390.


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Author Biography

Daniel Mateo Corredor

Universidad de Alicante
Profesor Ayudante Doctor Departamento de Prehistoria, Arqueología, Historia Antigua, Filología Griega y Latina