Peisistratos and the Chariot of Athena Episode. A Chronological Reappraisal


The episode of Peisistratos going back to Athens in a chariot with Athena is one of the best-known events of the Greek archaic period. Following Herodotus and Aristotle, the current modern historiography places it after his first exile and before he gets his second tyranny. This consideration raises up a series of problems, like the role of Athena in a prenuptial agreement. For this reason, through a detailed study of the sources, as well as the historical context, we propose to delay this dramatized entry to 546, when the battle of Palene occurs and shortly before Peisistratos was installed as a tyrant for the third and last time. This new chronology better supports some interpretations that have been already given, but also allows, in turn, novel readings on the means of religious and social legitimation used by the tyrant of Athens.
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Iriarte, U. . (2021). Peisistratos and the Chariot of Athena Episode. A Chronological Reappraisal. Studia Historica. Historia Antigua, 39, 51–72.


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Author Biography

Unai Iriarte

Universidad de Sevilla