The prodigious fountain of burning asphalt at Apollonia, the Nymphs, the Oracle of Pan, and the visit of Cornelius Sulla


In Apolonia, in the region of Illyria, there is a sacred place that is known since the fourth century B.C. by several ancient sources. This place had a fountain of asphalt that was burning non-stop. In relation to this well, there is a Panic manteion and a Nymphaeum, where pyromaniac forecasts are also made. We analyze the literary and numismatic sources to clarify the sense of the Nymphaeum and the manteion. The latter was visited by Cornelius Sulla in 84 with little success.
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Perea Yébenes, S. . (2021). The prodigious fountain of burning asphalt at Apollonia, the Nymphs, the Oracle of Pan, and the visit of Cornelius Sulla. Studia Historica. Historia Antigua, 39, 183–208.


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