Clientelae, international relations and imperialism in the expansion of the Roman Republic. Some remarks concerning «Friendship and Empire. Roman Diplomacy and Imperialism in the Middle Republic (353-146 BC)» of Paul J. Burton


The boom of the theories of international relations in classical studies can be verified by the publication of Burton’s Friendship and Empire. Roman Diplomacy and Imperialism in the Middle Republic (353-146 BC). In the present paper we highlight its key points and discuss some of its problems concerning classical sources and its criticism to the realist theory.
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Valdés Matías, P. (2013). Clientelae, international relations and imperialism in the expansion of the Roman Republic. Some remarks concerning «Friendship and Empire. Roman Diplomacy and Imperialism in the Middle Republic (353-146 BC)» of Paul J. Burton. Studia Historica. Historia Antigua, 30, 255–269. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Pau Valdés Matías

Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona
GRACPE. Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Montalegre, 6 – 8. 08001 Barcelona (España)