Crisis and decline of the Roman religion in the late republic


The I century B. C. has been one of the most studied periods of the Roman History. It is due to the abundance of literary sources and the actual historical interest aroused by being one of the periods that brings more political and social transformations, with a highly signi?cance in shaping the Principate and the Roman imperial structure. In this paper, we shall focus on a speci?c area, the public religion. We will brie?y comment the different historiographical theories in order to understand the use made of concepts such as crisis and decline. We also include the analysis of two Sibylline oracles issued at the end of the Republic as possible evidences of that crisis of late Republican religion.
  • Referencias
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Aldea Celada, J. M. (2013). Crisis and decline of the Roman religion in the late republic. Studia Historica. Historia Antigua, 30, 51–70. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

José Manuel Aldea Celada

Universidad de Salamanca
Dpto de Prehistoria. Historia Antigua y Arqueología. Universidad de Salamanca. C/ Cervantes, s/n - 37002 – Salamanca (España)