The political importance of the Rhine Army during the fourth century


The Army of the Rhine was the constant source of invasions in the fourth century. The cause of these rebellions was that they could never be controlled effectively by the central government unless the emperor was found in the region. Their main interest was to protect their own border over the others, which made them behave as a regional unit pursuing their own interests, alien to those of the centre. These invasions were defeated which caused the weakening of the Gallic army and the Imperial State feared more the interior rebels than the external attacks. The result was that this force was deliberately dismantled which helped to breakdown the border in the year 406.
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Santos, D. (2012). The political importance of the Rhine Army during the fourth century. Studia Historica. Historia Antigua, 29, 277–291. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Diego Santos

Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Avda. 7 N° 776 | 1900, La Plata Buenos Aires (Argentina)