The Figure of the Historian in the Roman Republic


This paper aims to analyze the aristocratic background of the Roman historian in the Republic drawing on a prospographic study of the attested authors. The result leads to the conclusion that few members of the well-known senatorial families became interested in writing history compared to the new families from the third century Punic Wars and the low ranking aristocrats. Besides, it addresses the social invisibility of this intellectual activity that will not be acknowledged until the end of the Republic.
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Rodríguez Mayorgas, A. (2012). The Figure of the Historian in the Roman Republic. Studia Historica. Historia Antigua, 29, 65–95. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Ana Rodríguez Mayorgas

Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Departamento de Historia Antigua?. Facultad de Geografía e Historia. ?Avenida del Prof. Aranguren s.n. 28040 Ciudad Universitaria. Madrid (España)