The figure of Sertorius in Fifth Century Spain. A late perspective from the time of the Barbarian Invasions

  • Rafael González Fernández
    Universidad de Murcia rafaelg[at]
  • Miguel. P. Sancho Gómez


Quintus Sertorius was a leading role during the time of the falling of Roman Republic, and his character is closely related to Spain, where he raised a personal domain with a lot of supporters in a big number of celtiberian tribes. Here we search for the possibility of Sertorius memory to be lasting in Ancient Spain, until the arrival of the first barbarian invasions.
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González Fernández, R., & Sancho Gómez, M. P. (2011). The figure of Sertorius in Fifth Century Spain. A late perspective from the time of the Barbarian Invasions. Studia Historica. Historia Antigua, 28, 135–153. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Rafael González Fernández

Universidad de Murcia
Dpto. de Prehistoria, Arqueología e Historia Antigua. Fac. de Letras. C/ Santo Cristo, 1, Campus de La Merced - 30001 Murcia (España)