The mining exploitation of Wadi el-Hudi under the reign of Senusert I


Along the Middle Kingdom, many areas, rich in mineral resources, were exploited outside the Nile Valley margins. The inscriptions that these expeditions left and their analysis allow us to know about the structure of these expeditions, and in many cases, about their relationship with the Egyptian national administration. One of the most exploited areas was wadi el-Hudi, in the Eastern Desert, in the frontier with Lower Nubia. During the reign of Senusert I, control over the southern part of the country was consolidated, and routes to this mining area were reopened, especially in the second half of the reign, in wich much acivity can be appreciated.
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González-Tablas Sastre, F. J. J. (2011). The mining exploitation of Wadi el-Hudi under the reign of Senusert I. Studia Historica. Historia Antigua, 27, 149–161. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Francisco Javier José González-Tablas Sastre

Universidad de Salamanca
Departamento de Prehistoria, Hª Antigua y Arqueología. Facultad de Geografía e Historia. Universidad de Salamanca. C/ Cervantes s/n., 37002 – Salamanca (España)