Atlantis and Macondo: literary myth and utopia


Atlantis is a dream world created by Plato in the fourth Century to. C., that has fascinated to investigators so that have wanted to situate it in a geographical and chronological space actual. As an utopia is subject to the change process and destruction, as an allegory proves the old Athen’s superiority. Atlantis is a mirror and a mirage, reflects the reality without being real, is not truth but is believable, then it’s guaranteed by historic characters (Plato’s ancestors) and for documents (apocryphal) of Egyptian priests. In the contemporary world, Macondo of Gabriel García Márquez is a transposition of the platonic Atlantis.
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Morilla Palacios, A. (2011). Atlantis and Macondo: literary myth and utopia. Studia Historica. Historia Antigua, 27, 129–145. Retrieved from


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Ana Morilla Palacios

Garnata: Historia y actualidad
GARNATA EDICIONES Y PUBLICACIONES S.L. - C/ Real de Motril, 2. 18100 Armilla – Granada (España)