The territories of god Amun out of Egypt

  • Mara Castillo Mallén
    Asociación Universitaria de Investigación Egiptológica (AUIE) ¿[at]


The main spirit of this paper is to emphasize how ideology became essential in historical process, and the relationships between the Theban aristocracy and royalty, both for this elite and others aristocratic groups in egyptian New Kingdom, can furnish a new reality not found in classical sources. By this way I suggest to analize iconography like formal element within discourse previously created in order to obtain territorial control and supremacy only to a restricted nobless.
  • Referencias
  • Cómo citar
  • Del mismo autor
  • Métricas
Castillo Mallén, M. (2011). The territories of god Amun out of Egypt. Studia Historica. Historia Antigua, 27, 13–27. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Mara Castillo Mallén

Asociación Universitaria de Investigación Egiptológica (AUIE)
Asociación Universitaria de Investigación Egiptológica (AUIE)