Algunas provincias pónticas: la administración de Bitina, Paflagonia, Helenoponto, Honorias y y Ponto Polemoniaco en el siglo IV d. C


SUMMARY: In this paper I try to analyse the political and administrative evolution of the Ponto Dioecese in the Fourth Century A. D. Particularly I concentrate on the provinces located by the Black Sea. My investigation is methodologically founded on prosopographic data. I establish the cronological sequence of the gouvernors of these provinces, and I describe the religious and political facts that, among others, took place in these districts. I also take into consideresation the change or transformation that this century underwent by that time.
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Garrido González, E. (2010). Algunas provincias pónticas: la administración de Bitina, Paflagonia, Helenoponto, Honorias y y Ponto Polemoniaco en el siglo IV d. C. Studia Historica. Historia Antigua, 8. Retrieved from


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