Integration und transformation von immigrantenreligion: beobachtungen zu den inschriften des iuppiterdolichenus-kultes in rom


RESUMEN: La gerarchia eccezionale nel culto di Giove Dolicheno sul Aventino combina strutture divergenti. Nel analiso diachronico interazioni e modificazioni dei concetti della qualificazione religiosa con prestigio sociale e structure associativi romane.ABSTRACT: The exceptional hierarchy of the cult of Iuppiter Dolichenus on the Aventine is shown to combine different principles of organization. A chronological analysis opens up insights into the interaction of concepts of religious qualification with social prestige and structures of Roman associations.
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Rüpke, J. (2010). Integration und transformation von immigrantenreligion: beobachtungen zu den inschriften des iuppiterdolichenus-kultes in rom. Studia Historica. Historia Antigua, 21. Retrieved from


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