Julius Caesar’s Last Convivium as an Example of Sir Ronald Syme’s Approach to Historical Fiction


On March 14, 44 B. C., the eve of the Ides in which Julius Caesar was assassinated, the dictator dined at Marcus Aemilius Lepidus’, his magister equitum. There the topic of the discussion was the best sort of death, and Caesar advocated for a sudden and unexpected decease. The aim of this work is to research how Sir Ronald Syme (1903-1989), one of the 20th century most prominent classic scholar and a renowned author within Modern Historiography on Julius Caesar, carried out on this episode. After presenting the scene, in accordance to the few ancient sources which refer to it, and having quickly commented some of the aspects on the convivia in late Republican Rome, the paper will focus on analyzing the few, though stimulating mentions which R. Syme did of the event. Next, the study will try to explain and provide a context for the Oxonian historian’s view in those mentions, in which his approach to historical fiction, recognized characteristic of his final academic stage, becomes especially relevant. And, finally, we believe we can draw some conclusions.
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Gago Gómez de Luna, M. (2023). Julius Caesar’s Last Convivium as an Example of Sir Ronald Syme’s Approach to Historical Fiction. Studia Historica. Historia Antigua, 41, e31236. https://doi.org/10.14201/shha31236


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