BUCHBERGER, Erica: Shifting Ethnic Identities in Spain and Gaul, 500-700. From Romans to Goths and Franks. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2017, 218 pp. [ISBN 978-90-8964-880-8].

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Poveda Arias, P. (2018). BUCHBERGER, Erica: Shifting Ethnic Identities in Spain and Gaul, 500-700. From Romans to Goths and Franks. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2017, 218 pp. [ISBN 978-90-8964-880-8]. Studia Historica. Historia Antigua, 36, 292–295. Retrieved from https://revistas.usal.es/uno/index.php/0213-2052/article/view/19734

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