A «minister quem vulgo mimilogum vocant» among the Vascones


Prelate of Maastricht amandus’ hagiographer tells us how the saint was ridiculed by some sort of mimilogus when he was preaching amongst the Vascones of the montes around 636. the passage has attracted the attention of several researchers, generating studies that have focused, generally, on the prelate’s evangelizing mission and on the Vascones’ degree of christianization showing little interest in other aspects of the Vita, such as the presence of a mime. in this study we will try to make an approach to the existence of this mimic actor in Vasconia in the 7th century, with the aim of linking it as far as possible with other mentions that indicate the popularity of public performances in the territories before belonged to the western roman Empire.
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Lanz Betelu, J. (2017). A «minister quem vulgo mimilogum vocant» among the Vascones. Studia Historica. Historia Antigua, 35, 75–94. Retrieved from https://revistas.usal.es/uno/index.php/0213-2052/article/view/17259


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