The empress Messalina in «The Octavia» : victim of the imperial power or counter-model?


The character of the empress messalina is very famous thanks to the dramatic story of tacitus who presents to us a woman dissolute and cruel. there were, however, others portraits of this empress: the tragedy Octavia, whose author is unknown, gives us a different image, elaborated by the Julio-Claudian dynasty after the murder of the third wife of claudius. it has the merit of presenting three empresses as famous as criticized. the comparison with the character of agrippina permits us to know who is the most vilified among the wifes of claudius under the Flavians.This study analyzes the reputation of messalina a few years after her  death, her power in the imperial court and the condemnation of her memory. How the Flavian dynasty, in which  the author is writing, uses messalina to criticize the last Julio-claudians? what elements of this description will be taken or put aside by the later authors in their description of messalina?
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Berlaire Gues, E. (2017). The empress Messalina in «The Octavia» : victim of the imperial power or counter-model?. Studia Historica. Historia Antigua, 35, 31–52. Retrieved from


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