The Role of Civic Leaders in Late Antique Hispania


Little is known about the government of Hispanic cities from the fourth to seventh centuries A.D. Not a single duovir, aedile or quaestor is known by name after the third century, though there is a curator and several defensores. Nonetheless, we have a considerable body of information on the activities of Hispanic curials and principales. These include tax collection, maintenance of public records, and recruiting new members. Moroever, curials were probably involved in the repair or demolition of public buildings, and they sometimes intervened in religious disputes.
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Curchin, L. A. (2014). The Role of Civic Leaders in Late Antique Hispania. Studia Historica. Historia Antigua, 32, 281–304. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Leonard A. Curchin

University of Waterloo
Department of Classical Studies. University of Waterloo. ML building, room 224. Ontario (Canadá)