Patronage of Hispanic civic communities in the age of Augustus


Here there is a study about the thirty one evidences, testified in Hispania between 27 b.c. and 14 a.D., on the established relationship of civic patronage. we assert that the most of patroni were members of the imperial family or belonging to a senatorial position very closed to augustus. making use of the preserved epigraphic, numismatic and juridical documents, we are able to report that the civic patronage was integrated into the politic system founded by augustus and subordinate to the imperial power, allowing this institution to stand vitally firm during the High and low Empire.
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Melchor Gil, E. (2014). Patronage of Hispanic civic communities in the age of Augustus. Studia Historica. Historia Antigua, 32, 249–279. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Enrique Melchor Gil

Universidad de Córdoba
Departamento de Ciencias de la Antigüedad y de la Edad Media. Universidad de Córdoba. Plaza del Cardenal Salazar, núm. 3 - Cordoba (España)