Augustus: Conquest and administration of the Asturian territory


The roman conquest of Asturian territory, in times of Augustus, es a peculiarity inside asturian-cantabrian wars: it doesn't exist any written or arqueologic document concerning this period.Nevertheless, the roman administration of this territory had an impor- tant impact on the way of life of the population from the economic and social perspective.The asturian population’s gradual integration in the roman organiza- tion was developed in two following periods: over the participation in the roman army (as auxiliary troups) and as non specialised workforce in the roman gold mines.
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Santos Yanguas, N. (2014). Augustus: Conquest and administration of the Asturian territory. Studia Historica. Historia Antigua, 32, 153–177. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Narciso Santos Yanguas

Universidad de Oviedo
Universidad de Oviedo. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Departamento de Historia. C) Tte. Alfonso Martínez s.n. 33011. Oviedo (España)