Law of war and diplomacy in the time of Augustus


The purpose of this paper is to provide a study on the application of the law of war and the use of diplomatic networks in foreign policy in the time of Augustus. Implementation mechanisms of ius belli as regards the treatment of the vanquished are analyzed. The initiatives of the Princeps and his generals are comparatively studied with the republican tradition and the new issue of civil wars, the latter being responsible of signi?cant distortions in the traditional application of the law of war, which had been developed to address con?icts against peregrini. Similarly, procedures, signi?cance and instrumentalization of embassies or legationes addressed to Augustus, as well as political use of hostage taking are studied, to conclude that, in this ?eld also, the Princeps was responsible, in spite of his image of traditionalism, of signi?cant transformations.
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García Riaza, E. (2014). Law of war and diplomacy in the time of Augustus. Studia Historica. Historia Antigua, 32, 91–122. Retrieved from

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Author Biography

Enrique García Riaza

Universidad de las Islas Baleares
Departamento de Ciencias Históricas y Teoría del Arte. Campus Universitario. Edificio Ramon Llull. Cra, de Valldemossa Km. 7’5 - Mallorca (España)