Arbitrariness and Administration of Justice in the Res Gestae of Ammianus Marcellinus


Ammianus Marcellinus’ work as conserved (books XIV-XXXI) which covers the time period comprised between 353 and 378 AD, doubtlessly constitutes a major testimony for the analysis of late Roman society. Thus, Ammianus’ work does not only evidence the aggravation of the situation at the borders or economic oppression, but it also reveals aspects of great interest relating to the administration of justice. In this regard, corruption and excesses in judicial proceedings are revealed through Ammianus’ testimony whose work represents a real complaint against the method of the justice of his era.
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Carrasco Serrano, G. (2013). Arbitrariness and Administration of Justice in the Res Gestae of Ammianus Marcellinus. Studia Historica. Historia Antigua, 31, 115–128. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Gregorio Carrasco Serrano

Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
Departamento de historia. Facultad de Letras. Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha. Avda. Camilo José Cela, s/n. 13071 - Ciudad Real (España)