The concept of Onomastic Landscape: the case of the Astures


The study of ancient onomastics can be made through the geographical distribution of names, which provides information on the extension of a language with few direct evidences, assuming that all onomastic landscapes ?t with ancient language landscapes. In this paper, the Asturian area through its personal names is analyzed, to conclude that probably corresponded to an ancient language, different from those of his environment, of which no testimony is conserved.
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Vallejo, J. M. (2013). The concept of Onomastic Landscape: the case of the Astures. Studia Historica. Historia Antigua, 31, 89–113. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

José M. Vallejo

Universidad del País Vasco
Instituto de Ciencias de la Antigüedad. Universidad del País Vasco. Edificio "Las Nieves". Calle Nieves Cano 33 (despacho 101) - 01006 Vitoria (España)