Roman Polis. To new mode for Greeks of the Empire


The traditional views about the Greeks in the Roman Empire (i.e. Rome as the new leader of Hellenism, or Greek alienation within the Empire), are not enough to explain the complex process which transformed the Greeks into Romans. Firstly, a new overview is needed: when dealing with the new imperial identity, reciprocity between Rome and the provinces should be acknowledged and become a main focus. Secondly, local and regional diversity should be taken into account, even though it never meant a serious danger to the existence of a common imperial identity. That was the case with the Eastern part of the Empire: the Greek polis went through deep changes -ideological, political, social and economical-, but it became a part of the very idea of Romanness.
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Cortés Copete, J. M. (2013). Roman Polis. To new mode for Greeks of the Empire. Studia Historica. Historia Antigua, 23, 413–437. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Juan Manuel Cortés Copete

Universidad Pablo de Olavide
Departamento de Geografia Historia y Filosofia. Universidad Pablo de Olavide. Edificio n.º 2 "Antonio de Ulloa". Ctra. de Utrera, km. 1. 41013 Sevilla (España)