Imperial cult and dinastic fidelity: Agrippa and Lesbos island


We point out the part of M. Agrippa for the implantation and the spread of the imperial Cult in the eastern part of the Empire, and his relation with the ancient institutions of worship and the local oligarchies what provides the priests, thanks mainly to the epigraphical testimonies supplied by Lesbos.
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Roddaz, J.-M. (2013). Imperial cult and dinastic fidelity: Agrippa and Lesbos island. Studia Historica. Historia Antigua, 23, 401–412. Retrieved from

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Jean-Michel Roddaz

Universidad de Burdeos III
Ausonius-Maison de l'Archéologie; Université de Bordeaux III. Domaine Universitaire. F33607 Pessac Cedex. (Francia)