Athenion, tyrant of Athens


This paper tries to present arguments in favour of the historical authenticity of Athenion, the first pro-Pontic tyrant of Athens in 88 B.C. Although Poseidonius describes him with many topoi of the negative image of the tyranny, there are important aspects that support this author's credibility as a source for the history of Athens in this time.
  • Referencias
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Ballesteros Pastor, L. (2013). Athenion, tyrant of Athens. Studia Historica. Historia Antigua, 23, 385–400. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Luis Ballesteros Pastor

Universidad de Sevilla
Profesor Titular de Universidad. Departamento de Historia Antigua. Facultad de Geografía e Historia. C/ María de Padilla s/n. 41004. Sevilla (ESPAÑA)