Troy without Homer: Troya (2004)


What follows is as comentary on Troy (2004), the motion picture directed by W. Petersen. After dealing with direction, D. Benioff s script, main a actors and shooting, some mistakes in the film are underlined. An excessive absence of gods has beer and fame makes every man prominent. Redemption of several Trojans (Paris, Helen, Briséis, Andromache), apart from Aeneas and then some Aecheans dyng in Troy (Agammenon, Menelaus, Aias), creates a huge void in the whole legendary tradition. The rather important reflection: of some captive Trojan women just disappear from a film whose script writer theoretically wanted to doing anachronisme does not actually help us to understand the present, not to mention the past.
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Prieto Arciniega, A. (2013). Troy without Homer: Troya (2004). Studia Historica. Historia Antigua, 23, 23–37. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Alberto Prieto Arciniega

Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona
Departament de Ciències de l'Antiguitat i de l'Edat Mitjana. Àrea d'Història Antiga. Edifici B. Campus de la UAB. 08193 Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès) (España)