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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The paper has not been previously published or submitted for consideration by any other journal (or an explanation has been provided in the Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word (.doc / .docx) or OpenOffice (.odt) format.
  • Wherever possible, URLs and DOIs are provided for references.
  • The text is single-spaced, 12 point font size and all illustrations, figures and tables are placed in the appropriate places in the text, rather than at the end.
  • The text meets the stylistic and bibliographic conditions included in the Author Guidelines in the About section of the journal
  • • Measures have been introduced to ensure anonymous evaluation of your work.
  • The Chicago shortened notes style has been used in the references cited in the text and in the final list of references (bibliography).
  • The metadata details have been completed, including: full details of the author(s), their email address, institution and country, as well as the section to which it is intended, keywords, abstract and bibliography.

Author Guidelines


1. STUDIA HISTORICA. HISTORIA ANTIGUA is an annual Journal in which the articles received will be evaluated by external reviewers using the blind peer review system. The Editorial Board, respectful of the intellectual freedom of the authors, will not modify the opinions expressed by them, although it might not endorse them.

2. The Editorial Board of STVDIA HISTORICA. HISTORIA ANTIGUA will consider the publication of original works as long as (1) they have not been previously published in any of its versions or proposed for publication in another Journal, (2) guarantee a high-quality level and (3) deal with aspects relating to the chronological period within the scope of Ancient History. That includes papers focused on a novel subject, a different and more in-depth treatment of a problem already identified in historiography, the contribution of unknown data concerning a given historiographical question, and/or or the potential applications of a new or more refined methodology.

3. The anonymised manuscript and the document containing personal data (see section 4 below) in Microsoft Word (.doc / .docx) or OpenOffice (.odt) electronic format will be uploaded to and simultaneously sent by e-mail to the journal's address: The submission of manuscripts will be open throughout the year, although each year's issue will be closed at the Editorial Board meeting in May.

4. Papers should be no longer than 70,000 characters (whith spaces), including notes, image captions and bibliographic references. Authors will be responsible for anonymising originals and each text shall be accompanied by a separate document containing the title of the paper, name(s) of the author(s), professional category, professional affiliation, full postal address, telephone, e-mail and ORCID.

5. All articles will include (after title and author(s) data) an abstract (maximum 1000 characters) written in the paper's original language, in Spanish and in English. The title and the content descriptors (keywords) must be written in the same languages for indexing purposes.

6. Footnotes should be numbered consecutively in Arabic characters and should appear above the text, preceding the diacritical mark if there is one. Footnotes should preferably be inserted at the end of the sentence. All footnotes should be included at the bottom of the page. Authors will avoid an excessive number of textual quotations. If these quotations exceed two lines, they should be indented without using inverted commas. In addition, the author's insertions within textual quotations should be enclosed in square brackets to distinguish them from the quoted text clearly.

7. The bibliographical references should follow the Chicago shortened notes style: Last name, short title, page number (without p. or. pp.); n. for foot note, no. for number, col. for column. Griese, Die Nutzung, 198-204; Marcone, “L’evoluzione”, 279-84; Gómez-Pantoja, “Pastio agrestis”, 181-3.

8. All papers will include a final list including all of the bibliographic references used according to The Chicago Manual of Style. Each entry must refer to the full name of the author, and must not be abbreviated by the use of hyphens.


Griese, Lennart. Die Nutzung von Land nach römischem Recht. Ordnungsmodelle für die Kolonien und für die Provinz. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2019.

Barbero, Abilio y Marcelo Vigil. La formación del feudalismo en la Península Ibérica. Barcelona: Crítica, 1978.

Syme, Ronald. La revolución romana. Translated by Antonio Blanco Freijeiro. 2nd ed. Madrid: Cátedra, 2010.


Blázquez, José M.ª. “Astures y cántabros bajo la administración romana”. Studia Historica. Historia Antigua 1 (1983): 43-56.

Marcone, Arnaldo. “L’evoluzione della circolazione libraria in età imperiale: la letteratura giuridica e cristiana”. Studia Historica. Historia Antigua 37 (2019): 269-83.

Collective works:

Gómez-Pantoja, Joaquín. “Pastio agrestis. Pastoralismo en Hispania romana”. In Los rebaños de Gerión. Pastores y trashumancia en Iberia Antigua y Medieval (Collection de la Casa de Velázquez 73), edited by Joaquín Gómez-Pantoja, 173-213. Madrid: Casa de Velázquez, 2001.

Gómez-Pantoja, Joaquín, ed. Los rebaños de Gerión. Pastores y trashumancia en Iberia Antigua y Medieval (Collection de la Casa de Velázquez 73). Madrid: Casa de Velázquez, 2001.

In the case of co-authored works, the authors must be separated by "and" if they are two; ", and" if they are three; only the first author is listed followed by "et al.” if they are four or more. In all circumstances, the first author’s name will be cited using the "Surname, First name" order, while the following ones will follow the "First name Surname" one. The Journal will be quoted using their full name. 

Classical authors and primary sources will be cited following the Oxford Classical Dictionary guidelines and abbreviations [link]. The full title of the work and clear indication of the edition(s) used will be included in the final reference list:

Aristotle. Parts of animals. Translation by Elvira Jiménez and Almudena Alonso. Madrid: Gredos, 2000.

IMPORTANT NOTICE. When available, DOI or stable URL adresses must be provided for references. These should be those assigned by the original sources. In order to facilitate this task, we recommend that authors enter the complete bibliographic list in CROSSREF's Simple Text Query [link] in order to correct possible omissions.

9. The numbering of divisions and subdivisions of manuscripts should be in Arabic numerals, not mixed with Roman numerals or letters (1, 1.1, 1.1.1).

Tables and figures included in the paper should be numbered in Arabic numerals according to their order of appearance in the text. In the manuscript, their approximate position should be indicated between diples (<figure_1>). Under this indication, a figure caption will be placed to identify them and where their source will always be cited. Figures, photos and graphics must be presented in *.jpg, *.tiff or *.png format, with a resolution of 300 pixels per inch, in separate files and with a name that corresponds to their position in the text (figure01.jpg, table02.jpg). Tables shall be integrated into the text itself.

10. The Editorial Board of STVDIA HISTORICA. HISTORIA ANTIGUA will acknowledge receipt of the originals within thirty working days of submission, and will decide on their publication within a maximum period of six months.

11. Authors commit to comply with the journal's style guidelines. Authors will receive only one proof of printing. The Editorial Board requests that no major changes be made to the original text during proofreading, as this may impact publication costs. Authors undertake to correct the proofs within 15 days of delivery.

12. STVDIA HISTORICA. HISTORIA ANTIGUA does not entitle the author to any payment. For an article's partial or total reproduction, it is mandatory to indicate the original source.

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The names and e-mail addresses entered in this Journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this Journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.