A Review of the Studies on Learning Disabilities through Content Analysis


Learning disability is associated with inabilities in reading-writing, mathematical-arithmetic skills, speaking, listening and reasoning and it’s prevalence has increased strikingly among school-aged children especially in recent years. This study aims to determine the current situation and trends in learning disability research through content analysis. Content analysis was used as qualitative research method. Data of the study were obtained from Web of Science by using the keyword “learning disability”. In order to analyze the obtained data, previously determined content analysis criteria were used. These criteria included year of publication, document type, organization, funding agencies, authors, name of the journal, country, language and research area of the researches. Data were analyzed and provided with frequency and percentages and shown with tables and figures. Results were presented in detail with reference to previous literature and recommendations for further research and practices are provided.
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Huseyin Uzunboylu

Near East University
Special Education Program Doctoral Student

Aysegul Sukran Oz

Faculty of Education, Mustafa Kemal University
Department of Special Education