Italian and Spanish Students’ Perception on Use of Technology in Classrooms of Classics in Secondary School


A society that is becoming increasingly digital must explore new ways of learning. In fact, digital technologies have an impact on the education through the development of more flexible learning environments adapted to the needs of a high-mobility society. To prepare future citizens to the needs of the digital labor market, recent educational reforms in Italy and Spain focused their attention on students’ Digital Competences. Therefore, we are interested in probing how students of classical studies in Italian and Spanish high schools perceive the use of new technologies in the classroom. It is important to investigate classics at school, because traditionally this program is perceived as less useful for employment. We used a qualitative case study methodology and collected data through semi-structured interviews with students from both nationalities. OpenCode software was used to analyse the data. The main content categories identified were: use of technological resources in the classroom, teaching methods, useful Latin and Greek competences for job placement. The results showed that students, especially Italians, perceive a lack of technology usage in the classroom due to teacher-centered instruction prevailing. Moreover, students who use technology in the classroom are not aware of its usefulness in their future job. Conclusions will offer suggestions to students of classics. 
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Author Biographies

Daniela Canfarotta

University of Palermo, Italy
Department of Pedagogical Psychological Sciences, Physical Exercise and Training

Raquel Casado-Muñoz

University of Burgos, Spain
Department of Education Sciences