Open, interdisciplinary and collaborative innovation to train in Energy Sustainability through MOOCs and educational research


Energy sustainability is a global challenge and the training environment has a great opportunity to contribute with shared efforts. The objective of this article is to present the advances that have been made in training through massive open online courses (MOOC) and educational research, in the field of a project: Binational Laboratory for the Intelligent Management of Energy Sustainability and Technological Training. The case study methodology was used to present the subproject “Open, interdisciplinary and collaborative innovation to train in energy sustainability through MOOCs and educational research”. The case is presented in five categories: presentation of progress, main achievements and impacts, areas of opportunity / future risks, compliance strategies and portfolio of products / services. The results show evidence of co-construction, innovation, networking and interdisciplinarity. The contribution of the article lies in presenting empirical evidence that can be of value to decision makers, government authorities, innovators, academic community, public or private organizations, interested in the development of energy culture, research and educational innovation
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Ramírez-Montoya, M. S. (2019). Open, interdisciplinary and collaborative innovation to train in Energy Sustainability through MOOCs and educational research. Education in The Knowledge Society, 19(4), 11–30.

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