Development of Entrepreneurship Competences from Project Based Learning Approaches

  • Lidia Sánchez González
    Universidad de León
  • Rubén Ferrero Castro
    Universidad de León
  • Miguel Ángel Conde González
    Universidad de León mcong[at]
  • Javier Alfonso Cendón


A key issue for any educational institution is to train individuals in such a way that they participate efficiently in their context. The current context where learning is carried out is digital era. With this landscape, and taking into account the current socioeconomic situation, it is necessary to increase students’ employability. This requires that what is taught in educational institutions fits with companies’ requirements. In this sense one of most common companies’ requirement is that students have knowledge about how to develop a project from scratch. In order to address this issue, the present paper poses the application of a project based learning methodology. This methodology is applied in an experiment that comprises two academic years. During each year, the students should develop complete projects working as teams and obtain final products. In this way, it was possible to develop competences that can be interesting for companies and also to increment students’ motivation.
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