Video games and collaborative learning. Experiences related to Primary Education


Video games are not only a way of entertainment, but also they can be used for learning as an educational resource. In that sense, the aim of this article is to perform a systematic review about experiences and research about the use of video games in the stage of Primary Education (that is to say, with children between 6 and 12 years old), but, in particularly, experiences with a collaborative learning approach and, also, with a pre and post achievement or learning test to show if students made learning gains. In order to fulfill the main objective, the article will be divided in five key sections showing the main aspects related to this topic: video games in education, collaborative learning, the methodology for the systematic review, results and conclusions about the results.  As a result, a total of 8 studies met the inclusion criteria and they were selected for the analysis. In that sense, we show that video games can be used in a collaborative learning approach, in contrast to the common idea that video games generate isolate persons, above all children and, furthermore, in general, students improve their learning achievement. In conclusion, video games can be a good resource for learning process and, for example, they can be used in a collaborative learning approach but it is necessary more information about that because of the limits we show at the end of the article, like, for example, more studies are required with pre and post achievement tests and using experimental and control groups.
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Marta Martín Del Pozo
