Training resonant communicators. From raining resonant communicators. From neural networks to network society


Media control is no longer exclusively in the hands of professional broadcasters. New educational projects must empower users so that they can exercise their digital citizenship. As well as acquiring essential technical skills to move in an interconnected world, emotional literacy is also indispensable for people to desire to take part effectively in this augmented community. So, besides teaching audiovisual technology, this project seeks to re-program the relationship that students develop with a situation that is typically stressful. We propose an expanded practice that enables students to recognize and voluntarily activate their communication biology. This way, users can become actors in new communication networks, and global communication flow will be more plural and richer.
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Toral Madariaga, G., García Ureta, I., & Murelaja Ibarra, J. (2013). Training resonant communicators. From raining resonant communicators. From neural networks to network society. Education in The Knowledge Society, 14(1), 228–247.


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