The supports of communication: the SMS in the schools of language


We live in a fast changing society. We can easily  observe  the speed and efficiency of those changes   in different means of communication . In fact, within a very short period of time some communication supports such as infogrames, SMS messaging, e-mails,   blogs, chatting, information panels… have had  a wide spread and some others tend to disappear. Anyway, they all have their  own characteristics: some of them are “unidirectional” while other ones are “bidirectional”, and provide an easy interaction .  On the whole, the new ones are not only faster but they also offer us   more flexible and varied functions  than the previous ones. Furthermore, on these supports there exist a many significant linguistic transgessions . Therefore, being part of a society that  use these aids to fulfill its necessities on its everyday’s communicative acts, we should also be aware of their didactical values , so that they could be exploited in the language teaching-learning context; otherwise, it will not be an easy job to get  students inserted in nowadays society.
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Larrea Muxika, K. (2012). The supports of communication: the SMS in the schools of language. Education in The Knowledge Society, 13(3), 176–189.


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