Autonomy and responsibility as key values for the elaboration of rules of coexistence in the ESO
Abstract Some of the themes set out in the article are the following: are pupils capable of organising behaviour and coexistence in the classroom? Are they able to elaborate their own rules? Or is it only a theoretical approach that is unviable to put into practise? In any case, what level of responsibility and autonomy are they able to assume in the functioning of the classroom? The learning of rules in the classroom constitutes a real experience, very close to the experience and the interests of the pupils, that permits them to work on values such as: responsibility, respect, participation, dialogue and democracy. At the same time, it teaches them to participate in class meetings, work in small groups, formulate proposals and arrive to a consensus through dialogue and negotiation. The experimental research in this field has demonstrated on numerous occasions that when the teacher generates opportunities to reflect on coexistence in the classroom and involve their pupils, it produces a clear tendency to decrease disruptive behaviour.
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Pérez Pérez, C., Vázquez Verdera, V., & López-Francés, I. (2012). Autonomy and responsibility as key values for the elaboration of rules of coexistence in the ESO. Education in The Knowledge Society, 13(2), 299–323.
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