Teaching and cultural education in the knowledge society. Evolutive analysis of a strategy of collaborative learning in Higher Education


This paper discuss in a pedagogical level an experience on the use of Forum as a telematic device. The part of e-learning comprised, together with contents and different kind of exercises, a forum. It was prepared for udergraduated students (third year) in Social and Cultural Education (Faculty of Education, University of Bologna). From a brief analysis of the context for the Forum on collaborative learning, authors present a description of the quantitative data from experience, some reflections about the research for techno-social goals, and extract some conclusions from positive elements and limits when using TICs in Higher Education system. From assessment and analysis of the educational process and experience of social formation that develops in the Forum, the authors present an instructional design proposal from the critical and reflective paradigm, after evaluating various comments on the results, related with the strengths and limitations of the instrument in the university context. The conclusions guide the work in the subject of educational technology to not only a reflection of the disciplinary nature focused on the use of ICT, but also an approach to collaborative learning strategies and throughout lifelong learning related with the acquisition of general skills and other significant cross-Social and Cultural Educator, regarding the necessary democratic values  in a global society.
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Fabbri, M., & Miranda, M. J. (2011). Teaching and cultural education in the knowledge society. Evolutive analysis of a strategy of collaborative learning in Higher Education. Education in The Knowledge Society, 12(4), 147–168. https://doi.org/10.14201/eks.8531


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