Digital tablets for teaching drawing, design and visual arts

  • José Luis Saorín Pérez
    Universidad de La Laguna jlsaorin[at]
  • Jorge de la Torre Cantero
    Universidad de La Laguna
  • Norena Natalia Martín Dorta
    Universidad de La Laguna
  • Carlos Carbonell Carrera
    Universidad de La Laguna
  • Manuel Contero González
    Instituto Universitario de Investigación en Bioingeniería y Tecnología Orientada al Ser Humano


The use of mobile devices in the world of teaching is increasing every day and the newly appeared digital tablets are taking place as the most flexible tools within the field of education. The teaching on this device has been called tablet learning. The graphic possibilities of these devices allow to use them perfectly in the teaching of those subjects where the graphic expression of ideas is important (representation of shapes, artistic drawings, visual display or visualization of 3D models, geospatial applications and so on). In this article we aim at setting the present situation of these digital tablets within the educational world as well as at evaluating the possibilities of these devices as tools to teach drawing, design and visual arts. We analyze those applications that are available for these devices and can be used in the teaching of these disciplines. Such applications will be classified according to the features of the working patterns. Within each category, we will try to find those features that define it. The purpose of that compilation is to let the teachers, of these knowledge area, know about the set of applications that they use can to organize workshops by using these new devices.
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Saorín Pérez, J. L., Torre Cantero, J. de la, Martín Dorta, N. N., Carbonell Carrera, C., & Contero González, M. (2011). Digital tablets for teaching drawing, design and visual arts. Education in The Knowledge Society, 12(2), 259–279.

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