Technological support and educational management of immigration


The immigration has been conforming throughout last decades as a phenomenon of increasing importance, and, especially, one of the major challenges to which the society will have to face in his set and, especially, the educational institutions. In a simultaneous way, we are present at an intense development of the ICT with clear repercussion in the educational area and in the action of his professionals. For all this, one the principal intentions of this work is to reveal the possibilities that the ICT offer in a society as the current one where the multiculturalidad raises new challenges. We know, after the realized tour, that the technology puts to our disposition resources of enormous potential that, in major or minor measure, can be of great help to work in favour of an education more compromised with the equity in the public sphere.
  • Referencias
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Priegue Caamaño, D. (2010). Technological support and educational management of immigration. Education in The Knowledge Society, 10(2), 350–376.


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